Airbnb of everything
🥶 Investors avoid one-stop solutions. They lack focus and often cause unnecessary expenses. They try to do too much, and users typically come for just one particular feature. Think about the horror of Facebook and Instagram mixed together. People won’t stick around because it becomes overwhelming and confusing.
😈 Yet, exceptions to the rule persist. Where the industry is fragmented enough, a one-stop model can actually help. However, it requires deliberate positioning. Investors like the word ‘platform’, or ‘vertical operating system’, or ‘full-stack solution’ – not a robotic solution for all of industry’s needs. It’s more about a full system for a specific use case.
🥷🏻 Identify one killer use case. Don’t try to build one-stop sales solution that can do anything from A to E, pitch it as a ‘sales platform’ that boosts sales. Your solution needs a purpose, it needs to have a role, a function, and this clarity makes your solution more appealing to an investor.
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